MacRetro chat and rides thread

Re: Re:

RobMac":2yk9139q said:
old_coyote_pedaller":2yk9139q said:
Need to go back for a better explore, though.

I'd be up for that, at least if I was there I'd be able to steer you clear of any man made obstacles :LOL:

If we could go in there with a few of us, we could clear some of the fallen trees across the paths, didn't have my saw with me this evening. My wife and daughter weren't up for any lumber-jacking. A GPS would be good too, to find oot where the feck we were.
Probably turn out that the path we were on is the only one there. :facepalm:
Discovered woodland with oodles of singletrack right on the southern edge of Edinburgh near my home the other night. Never knew it was there :oops:
Great place to play though, Mortonhall estate and the back of Mortonhall Golf Club, recommended :D

I dont want to sound all doom'n'gloom BUT I'm thinking about taking the plunge and buying
a good set of lights for winter rides. Do I go for Ebay ying tongs or one of the established
brands??????? Your thoughts gentlemen :?

Go for an established brand, that way even if they go go wrong you've got back up. I swear by Lumicycle. British, reliable and can be upgraded. Usually have a sale this time of year too. Not the cheapest but last for years.