MacRetro chat and rides thread

It's going to give some us the nudge to blow the dust off and get out on our old wheels, perhaps the push to complete that build or the jobs that we've been putting off. A good venue for some old real riding. All are welcome as always regardless of what they bring, I'm sure there won't be any burnings or hangings for non conformance, best to turn up on what's available that not at all.
velomaniac":1a4lf9w9 said:
I said we were straying from retrobikes, I didn't say its an affront to use anything else. This however is retrobike and thus the whole point is retrobikes, thats all I'm saying.

Correct again, its getting like Single Track :?
'V' am no likeing this agreeing wiy you its no natural :shock:
The Ken":1us154k5 said:
My Clunker has 2.5 tyres and yhe steel is so soft I could probably bend it a bit to fit bigger ones.

Put the guards on the ground and run over them several times, that might do the trick :?
yes just spotted the sign, what a shame, bought a fair bit from them in the early 90's

the pics go out of sync with the lot numbers at 237, so check the lot description if you bid, I'm aiming for some pedals and the hope shelf :)
Would we have a mule if we bid and won. Couple of odds and sods look interesting but I'm not going through to Edinburgh the next day to get it.