MacRetro chat and rides thread

velomaniac":10ak55dz said:
Not all blond swedish au pairs are good looking though, note, he didn't actually say she was good looking :LOL:

True, she was very average, but I do like stereotypes ;) Was a bit crazy though if I'm honest.
The Ken":1yq3p1xj said:
velomaniac":1yq3p1xj said:
Not all blond swedish au pairs are good looking though, note, he didn't actually say she was good looking :LOL:

True, she was very average, but I do like stereotypes ;) Was a bit crazy though if I'm honest.

Well you know why that is,

Came to that conclusion myself a long time ago. I would have changed "differently" to "not right" though. :LOL:
No,no,no OCP, women are always right in everything, have you not learned that yet, even when they're wrong. 'Differently' is a safer option ;)
velomaniac":2wd0kqvm said:
No,no,no OCP, women are always right in everything, have you not learned that yet, even when they're wrong. 'Differently' is a safer option ;)

I know that fine well velo :roll: , a woman is never wrong.

Even when she is.
Jamiedyer":14cgwxbb said:
Until she's out of earshot........then she's wrong, just like all the other times ;)


Women are never out of earshot, GCHQ has inferior listening devices to a woman's hearing :shock:
keithyr":25rx9711 said:
And if they can't hear you, they know you were thinking it and get you that way....

That's like the saying, "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, did it make a noise?"
Women are capable of hearing what they want to hear and can have a whole conversation with you entirely in their head without you saying a word.

Or even being in same room.