MacRetro chat and rides thread

man, nowhere to hide on strava! Aye Steven, shoulder is good enough for the road bike now. Gave it wee whirl yesterday, felt good so more of the same today. Good for about an hour, although still too weak for the mountain bike. Amazing how much fitness goes after only a couple of weeks too :oops:
After reading a post here that someone put about the 24 hour bivvy challenge I've started to think about it more seriously.

And my first thought was "sod a bivvy in Scotland" as it limits the window in the year to do it. And although I haven't done it for a while I remember bivvying being a sweaty business.

So I then though "one man tent and a lightweight rack on the bike" This seemed nicer, no panniers just a lightweight tent and super light sleeping bag.

So any thoughts on this tent? Meets the criteria at just 1.5Kg and a really small packed size. This would be essential as the plan would be to do it on the road bike (only bike I have with rack mounts)

Bearing in mind the challenge is a round trip of 30 miles minimum (this was walking distance so double it for cycling) so it would be for one night under canvas so in the event of rain the wet kit would be straight home after waking up and packing.
velomaniac":31zm86bp said:
I have one of these you could borrow :- ... Bivvy.html
Not the roomiest and getting in and out can be a wee bit fiddly but its superlight and 100% waterproof and breathable plus you can set it up in about a minute. ;)

Cheers Velo but I'm always very wary of borrowing stuff off people, especially very nice stuff like that. Brilliant weight though.

I may continue to investigate whats out there. Being a shortarse is quite handy in this instance as a lot of stuff that is reviewed as being too small or uncomfy fits me just fine.
One of the attractions was the low price online, obviously not the Tiso price though. For my purposes it should be OK I think, but I'm going to search around for alternatives to it.

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