MacFatro - Fatbike news and builds thread

Well, these guys are a huge concern in Inverness Velo, its not some little back yard place. They powdercoat everything from motorbike frames and classic car components to wheels, which is their main business. The stuff they have on display is what convinced me to go with them. Its Rimtech just off of Longman road in the middle of the Inverness.
I did email them politely, I was very nice, I didn't even ask for anything I just explained what was happening and sent the same pics I put on here and asked him to see what he thought and get back to me. I left it in their court really. I am just disappointed really as I love the finish, its just what I asked for, but unfortunately I don't think its going to last more than one or two rides before needing redoing. It will just be a straight colour next time.
They didn't get back to me today so hopefully they will in the next day or so. This is the only place I have mentioned a problem, not on facebook or the other forums where its posted. I've not mentioned it.
No idea if they will even get back to me, but I would like to hope so. I don't expect anything so I will just ride it like normal and look after it like normal and see how it fares. At least with the couple of chips it still looks good and I now am beyond that worrying about the new finish stage :)
At the end of the day its a bike frame and its been painted before so can be painted again. Life's too short to stress over it.

I find it easy to get p'ed off about it and I am but getting angry doesn't achieve anything. A wasted of energy.
Its also not my style in this situation to go in screaming and shouting, the guy didn't deliberately do anything to upset me. Its not the end of the world, just a bit of paint. :)

I am off to Inverness tomorrow to speak with the paintshop about the finish on the Pugs. I sent them the pics as mentioned before and they just replied asking if I can bring it in for them to have a look at. I am not dismantling it, am just taking it as is. Picking Brian up on the way past and we will most likely have a breakfast at the bike café. Then we are going for a ride out. If they did want to redo the Pugs, which I doubt, then I can dismantle it at Brians and drop it off. I just want them to see it before I take it out and start using it properly. Maybe its a case of wait and see how it stands up. At least it will now get ridden after spending half the winter out of action.
I need to look at the cheap car yards as well. :LOL:


Yesterday I spotted a Coyote Fatman in the High Street at Leven, first time I've seen one. I suppose it looked the part (to the layman) the guy was on his way home I guess, he's a postie and he'd been doing some shopping. Big guy = big bike :shock:
Went to Inverness yesterday, picked Brian up on the way and went to see the painter about the Pugsley.
He had a look and confirmed what I had thought that the silver didn't seem 'adhered' to the primer properly. He wasn't sure what had happened as its a system they use all the time. he thought it may have been something to do with the zinc primer he used to try and help with any rust issues from riding in the salt water. You can see the primer is adhered to the steel and is tough under the chips, but just thinks the silver hasn't gone the same. He is going to speak with his suppliers and see what could have happened.
He asked what I wanted to do and to be honest I didn't really know as its a few chips on a paint job I really like. I really thought he may have told me to stop whinging but he said it clearly isn't right, whether its just those couple of little spots or not we don't know.
The offer he gave me was, as I am really liking the finish, ride it for this season/year, however long I like or if it starts coming off and he will repaint it in this finish or whatever finish I want for free. He also said any rims etc
I can't ask for any more than that really. Brian said that that was a far better outcome than I could have thought and most likely due to the fact I didn't ask for anything have a rant etc, I just asked him what he thought of it and if he thought it was a problem.
A great outcome and a relief to be honest. We celebrated by going to Velocity café and late breakfasting on cake and coffee, then I had to sort some stuff for the car while I was in the big smoke, followed by a bacon roll lunch in the café above Tiso while looking at canoes and camping gear. Then a long snowy drive home. Left at 7am and home for 8.30pm


Hi Jamie, that's an amicable solution and a satisfactory outcome, am pleased for you :cool:

How's the wee man doing after his tumble?

He's good thanks, he is getting a bit fed up with the cast, but that's just being a five year old.
I am pleased with result, didn't know what to expect but I really didn't feel like stripping it down again and starting from scratch, I just want to ride it. So now it doesn't matter if it comes off as I know its already sorted to be done again, later. Between this and all the hassle with the car this week, and especially after Caleb last week it was relief.
Do you fancy coming along on the 19th for a small ride out with Velo when he comes up on the 19th. I think Brian thought of the off road route between Contin and Garve then around that area. Only a short one as they are going to be on some 'ye olde shite' ;)


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