MacFatro - Fatbike news and builds thread

Physical demands! Can I remind you I ride a fat bike :) I know your condition means 2 day epics are out but go a little slower (like I do) and save the speed for downhill and day trips on the sunny summer shore line shall suffice for sometime.
If this is anything to do with feeling knackered after our weekend's ride at GT, Strava reckons 2,974 ft of climbing. That's 2/3 the way up Ben Nevis!
Nope its reality raising its head, I tend to buy stuff on impulse. I have too many projects and this has a negative impact on my psyche. I need to get rid of lots of stuff but for the stuff I've become attached to thats difficult enough. Not attached to fatbike stuff so its got to go before it hooks its tendrils in me !!!!!!

I am enjoying what I do at the moment and dont want to do much else so fat bike is not going to happen.

This might surprise you but I think Velo is right. Fat bikes aren't for everyone and while I do love mine, it doesn't make any sense away from soft terrain. I know from our ride last year at Tentsmuir he didn't enjoy riding on the beach, so why bother. The fact is, most people would be better off with a Krampus or equivalent.
If you aren't going to build it then move the gear on and put the funds towards something you will ride. Better to have a few finished bikes than 10 unfinished projects.

All that said, if you were inclined to build it, I've cranks, stem and bars you're welcome to, to help it along. :)

V I can totally sympathise with your multiple project woes. I'd love to get to the same place you're wanting to go, back to keep it simple......I think I could get away with 2 mountain bikes and two road bikes.....never will mind you but its a dream :roll:
Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa...........funny guy :roll:

Repainted Raleigh Gates I need not, my gate collection is too large as is.

Typical, only meet up here and I'm out of the country.
Suppose Canada will have to do.