Macduro Aftermath


MacRetro Rider
98+ BoTM Winner
Well that was fantastic! Great trails, good weather and the usual good company.

Photo's uploading, and times coming in on mates race. Only thing I didn't account for is that you have to sign up to to appear on the leaderboard. It's an easy log in with your Strava details. Your times will still count as you have joined the Macduro starva club before the event, but you have to do the other site as well to appear on the leaderboard.

No great surprise, Jimo is currently in the lead.

Keep an eye here

Ooooh, it's just like Eurovision, but without the biased judging and spray tans. Although, Keith was looking particularly sun kissed today.
The prize they all wanted

IMG_1145 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Some of the highlights

IMG_1096 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1104 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1107 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1111 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1112 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1114 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1125 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1137 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

IMG_1134 by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Full gallery, including mini vids here ... 837820761/

Check out the last vid for OCP's surprising confession on how he supplements his pension.
Looks like a great ride and a fun day out :) You all seem to have huge grins in all the photos.
Looks like nice weather as well.
Well done all.

Well in Jim, a deserved winner! Even with the front forks buzzing your tyre and slowing you down we couldn't even get close. We'll have to think of a better handicap next year ;)

That was an absolutely superb retro day out. One of the very best I can remember. Trails were absolutely spot on (well picked clubby), a lot harder than I was expecting, but still rideable. I think we all had at least one comedy crash and the weather held out (apart from the wind trying to blow us off the hillside). Will get some pics up shortly...
Well done Jim, although ZZ was close on your tail.
Not sure what happened to Keith in the 4th stage, seems really slow even for him. Looking at the gps trace looks like his Garmin got revenge for him falling on it earlier on.

I'll get the trophy ready for it's new custodian.

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