M950 Levers, M739/40 Mechs and 8spd Shifters


Gold Trader
PoTM Winner
Kona Fan
I will post some pictures up this evening when I get home from work, but I need to release a bit of cash back into the Paypal/Retrobike fund... its supposed to be self sustaining, but recently, its hasn't been ;)

First up,
XTR M950 Brake levers. I bought these through the site about 2 months ago, but swooped when a pair of STi's came up. I purchased them for £40= postage, but will let them go for £40 inc post. Very good condition, very minimal wear or marks SOLD to Pierre

Next up
XT M739/740 Front Mechs (x2), Rear Mech, 8spd shifters.
Have been using these without issue for many years, although mileage is actually quite low. One Front mech was only ever used as a spare. Will confirm the clamp diameter's tonight as well. Price wise, say £10 per mech and £20 for the shifters? Again, minimal wear or damage to the shifters, mechs show usual marks, but all function 100%.
Shifter SOLD to Charlieboy28
1 x Front mech (the better one of the 2, although very little between them ;) ) on retention pending some better pictures tonight

XTR M950 Rear Mech
Again, bought through here (end of last year I believe), but never fitted as a much better one came up. £10 SOLD to Hawmaw

Dibs here first, to form a queue as it were
Will get some pictures up this evening

Hi guys,
I know I said that I would get some pictures up tonight, but something has come up and I won't be able to... sorry

I am not at work tomoro however, and aside from a bit of manual labour.... er, I mean cleaning and chores, I have the whole day to myself, so will get some pictures posted before lunchtime.

Sorry again to those waiting for pictures

XTR Rear mech
Bit battered, but works 100%, and will come with replacement jockey wheels as well... well worth a the tenner I paid for it from here

XT M739 Rear Mech
Fully functional, only minor scratches, good Jockey wheels


XT M739 Front Mechs x 2
Both 34.9 bottom pull. Both as good as each other. Minor wear, 100% function


XTR M950 Levers
Minor wear to levers, I'd say 90-95% on the visuals, but 100% on function


XT M740 Shifters
Again, function 100%, visually only very minor wear... say 95%
See above for other images



Levers and shifters are both mounted at the moment, and I am riding the bike this weekend with the Mrs, so wont be able to remove them till next week at the earliest, so please bear that in mind.

Also, after about 3pm today, I will most likely be out of touch (Snowdonia) so any PM's or messages will only be picked up when I get back on Sunday evening, so apologies in advance for that


Thanks for pics frt mech to large for my downtube and need top pull,will pass also on shifters looking for some in better cosmetic condition thanks
PMs replied to...

I should point out that the pics of the bits on the bike havent been washed, so they have that patina of fine dust that gets picked up from the road... so while they look scuzzy, they are, and will reach whoever receives them, alot better than the pictures show! The camara makes them look worse than they actually are ;)
