M739 XT chainring replacement


Dirt Disciple
After finishing my RTS build I found my middle chainring on my M739 XT chainset to be well worn, looking for a replacement has been tough. What would anyone on here recommend? Links would be helpfull.

Cheers, JT
On my iPod so no links to hand, but I replaced my 4 bolt xt739 chainring with a Middleburn one bought from Chainreaction Cycles. If I can find the links then you can still get the XT chainrings (I need an outer one soon), although the Middleburn ones are pretty good.
hi ya Jimo i have the outer ring from an M569 LX equivalent to the m737, its NOS too, let me know if of any interest to you ;) I think it fits the same as the XT one
Cheers for that, can't find a genuinne xt one so just ordered a middleburn one as you said.
