M732 levers


Dirt Disciple
I have just dug out my old M732 thumbshifters (c. 1996) and am wondering if these are compatible with Shimano Acera-X Derailleurs on my 2002 Kona Blast (24 speed)? Any advice?
A lot of the old thumbshifters, whilst only showing on the top that they have 7 speeds (and therefore 6 definite "clicks" when moving them), have a hidden 7th click which allows use with any Shimano 8sp rear gear system.

Just check your thumbshifter - if it has 7 clicks (the hidden one will be with the lever all the way anticlockwise) then there are 8 gear position so you'll be fine!

The front shifter isn't indexed so that'll work with anything.
Thanks Rob, I had read about the 7th click but thought you had to modify them. Mine has the 7th click so will probably put them to use. Thanks again.