Lycra Saddle Covers

Did you ever have Lycra saddle covers?

  • Yes, they were cool!

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  • Yes, but I didn't know better.

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  • Wouldn't be seen dead...

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  • Wot?

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:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Said Shimano S.I.S on it, I even Tip-Ex'd the valve caps to match
On My first decent bike, back in 85-86ish :LOL: :LOL:
(Thats my Nana by the way)
I had a pink and red JT Racing 'bones' cover and a matching one for my old Giro helmet.

I also had the matching JT shorts. My mum once took a picture of me standing posing on my bike. The way it came out was obscene. The lycra covered nose of the saddle was protruding from between my similarly lycra covered thighs. Neither of us new where to put ourselves when she collected her snaps from Boots...

Now that's a picture i don't want to see again.

Basically lycra saddle covers were rubbish - you could never quite get them to look right.

On the other hand, JT Racing bones kit was brilliant - does anyone still have any?
