Low pressure shock pump


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Ideally an older Marzzochi, before they started just re-branding Wrench Force pumps...

For a 'Zoke All Mountain SL, so need close to 1psi accuracy at around 10-15psi... These forks are driving me mad, totally impossible to get an accurate setting! :evil:

Just stopped myself heading off on a proper rant there - whatever you do, don't mention the recommended settings to me... :roll: ;)
I know what you mean...
My Superflys are supposed to need 35-45 psi. at 25psi they're still 10mm short of the full 65mm travel, and I have to take off the brakes to adjust.. :roll: Fortunately, they don't seen to require ANY topping up once sorted.
I use a car tyre pressure gauge.
Problem with any pressure gauge is that the volume of air needed to measure the pressure is quite a significant portion of the volume of air in the fork chamber (ad on a car type on is quite a bit more), so you loose pressure in there after you have measured it :? You were talking about this on the Gisburn run.
So to be really accurate you have to get your calculator out and work out how much extra air you need to compensate for the loss in volume :?

Maybe these digital car ones use less air to calculate though.
I was indeed - still talking about it :roll:

Thirty quid new though!

Got them something like yesterday, but still not getting full travel, so more fiddling this afternoon...


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