Lovely Yo Eddy Fat Chance Chamelion metalic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the publicity boys, currently on 95 watchers; accuse away, but my conscience is clean; you can libel to the moon, but there has been no shill bidding.

Enjoy the sunny week ahead and have as much fun as you can by whatever means (slander and vitriol on an internet forum might do it, but maybe just get out on your bike!!)
If anyone was to win the bike of here, you must go and collect it in person.
The trip up the A82 through Glencoe is amazing on a nice summers day.
Kinlochleven is a stunning little village next to Glencoe. Also call in at the co-op and say hi to Sheena for me LOL.
Hey look, sold for £600 seem to remember that being the original price. Only question will be if it is relisted.
Still fancy accusing me of shill bidding and being a dodgy bagstard? I took a chance, I got burned, but I'm happy to honour it, because I'm nice like that, though some of the comments and attitudes on here do make me think twice about staying that way.
Welcome to the world of Retrobike... You did unfortunately lose out on that one but only by a bit.

I think had you offered it for more reasonable money originally on here you'd probably have got it sold for the £850-£900 mark.

I was thinking about having a bid but then decided against it thinking I'd be up against those strong early bidders - I guess I wouldn't of been.

See you around
northerndave":1971prl7 said:
Welcome to the world of Retrobike... You did unfortunately lose out on that one but only by a bit.

I think had you offered it for more reasonable money originally on here you'd probably have got it sold for the £850-£900 mark.

I was thinking about having a bid but then decided against it thinking I'd be up against those strong early bidders - I guess I wouldn't of been.

See you around

:LOL: ;) :LOL:

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