Lots of saddles SOLD

Dead Rats

Gold Trader
Prices include UK postage and - while postage ain't cheap these days - they are priced to sell as I need the space! Any offers or questions? Just ask :xmas-big-grin:

Brand new studded white saddle in a kinda hipster/fixie style. New but with very slight marks from storage. Cost me £23
£14 posted - SOLD

Moulded grey Selle Royal MTB Sport saddle from 1996
£9 posted - SOLD

Finally, three vintage brown suede saddles...
Left is the tattiest, Made In Italy and from a mid 1980s Peugeot - £8.50 posted
Middle is a Spanish Arius Milremo Professional saddle with cool stitched nose - £9.50 posted - SOLD
Right has nice chrome rails and was Made In Italy - £11 posted - SOLD