This is the plan:
Anyone who owns or has access to a Klein
A ride of about 10-15 miles taking in Richmond Park, maybe Wimbledon Common and the Thames River path. Will include a few refreshment - NOS Polish stop offs, and a post ride beer or two.
Excuse to meet up and ride these bikes many are obsessed with. Seems to be plenty of us out there...
Richmond Park. Sheen Gate Car Park, SW14 off Sheen Lane which leads into the park. If the carpark is full, Fife Road just outside the gate. If you are coming via train Richmond for Tubes and Mainline trains or Mortlake Station for Mainline trains.
23rd June. 10 - 10.30 Meet time, 11 departure.
PM me for my contact details if you think you may arriving later etc.
Please can you :
> Register your interest here by leaving your name / bike
> PM user treacle
Without wanting this to be a complete Klein fanboy geek-fest (awaits the backlash!), it would be great to get a relaxed gathering together with a variety of bikes in attendance, I will try and bring a few bikes with me if i can. I will update this topic from time to time with amendments to the plan and more details as we get closer to the day.