Lightest 26” bike parts? V brakes? 3x9?

Weight weenie?... Helloooooo! I went through this process a while ago with my Trek build (link to thread in my Sig).

My advice is to set some HARD targets, things you MUST & CANNOT deviate from. Mine were;

All retro 1993-96
24 speed
front sus
All real parts that most people would ride without question
Magura rim brakes
Sub 20lb.

Example, you said retro, but the 23g brake levers are not retro?

And realise that weight saving comes from shaving every gram from every component.
Or just lose weight off your fat dad bod... and become like Michael Rasmussen

I love my 2004 RS SID Race. Great balance of reliable and lightweight. Don't forget reliable when discussing lightweight.
FRM forks are very light if you can find a pair.
I noticed lots of weight loss with change in BB, inner tubes and tyres and hubs and cassette
Especially tyres and tubes
Yeah that’s a good idea, pretty sure Jeroen replaced his bolts etc and also v brake bosses, just got to find somewhere that stocks them, v brake bosses I would’ve thought are easy to get but the pivot bolts may be harder.

Have you got a set of those KCNC v brakes Ian? Or any idea the difference in weight between XTR and the VB1’s?
I do have a full set of the kcnc brakes. Toying with using them on my GT lightning build, but I've also got a full set of avid mags and sls, or xtr m970 v brakes as options. May 3ven go red dx as I have a nice set of SRAM x9 gearing in red. It's a build I need to do but am working on another at the moment.

Have a few ti BBS as well, they shed a lot of weight.
You can lose up to a pound having a shite and about half a pound having a piss, that could potentially be a pound and a half off your bike weight. How about wearing a thick jumper? That may set you back at least 1.7 pounds if you're a big fella. Like get a grip, weight never mattered. Unless you're a leg shaving lycra clad up and coming rider it probably matters about as much as wearing kneeguards on a parachute free skydive
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