Lets see yer bike workshop !!!

legrandefromage":3t6lhi9t said:
somewhat representative of what goes on in my mind at any one time also:


This is great !! Im showing all these pics to the missus now she cant moan at me for S*it !! Ha ha .... Thought I had too many bikes !! Obviously I was wrong !! :D :LOL:
jonnyboy666":3esdg5y9 said:
hey mikee, what is the frame and swing arm on the right side of your pic?

it's the curious motorbiker in me! :LOL:

its an old brazillian power valve m8
got a few strokers in me other "facility"

nice dr btw ,never had a 350 but had a few older dr/sp 370/400's

too many bikes eh

mikee":3166az87 said:
bet you've just tidyed that up for the pics wadsy


I'd actually just tidied up after packing the two frames in the pic for despatch ;)
This is great..... Thanks for all the response to the thread ;)

Feeling a little inadequate looking at most have to say but at least not everyone's is tidy and completely organised - legrandefromage !! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Great collection of speakers however !! ;) :LOL:

Waiting for that first real day of summer to arrive and ill be having a good clear out in order to obtain a few more steeds !! :LOL: Sorry wife .....
Was hoping to get mine sorted out over the Easter weekend but spent all my time on the trails :cool:

In its current mess:

delboy009":2qd36u2l said:
God im such a nosy git !!! What pics have you got of the inside your bike workshops... If you dont have a workshop, maybe you just have a covenient pile of bits in the corner of the room or maybe a dedicated area of your mums kitchen worktop to build your bikes up :LOL:

Either way I took a photo of mine this eve and realised its about bloody time I had a good clear out !! If only Spring would arrive ide have that seasonal clean !!! :?

P.S See if you can spot an old bike of yours perhaps !!! ;)

P.S.S Dont include an address of where you live, just in case of the light fingered sorts !! :evil:

Great thread fella is that a hpi rs4? tooked away near the toolbox :D i reckon i have spotted a hpi savage in them garage pics also :D man i miss my savages i had 5 of them at one point.heres my little contribution(looking at some of your workshops mine looks crud)this is where mine and the mrs bikes are kept at the bottom of the stairs and the work happens in the kitchen :LOL: :D
