L'eroica Italy question


Senior Retro Guru
I'm thinking of trying to get a spot in the L'eroica Italy event in 2016 to mark my 50th birthday and was looking around their website. It sounded like the event is limited to men only from what I read on the registration page. That doesn't sound right to me and I was wondering if it was just the result of a poor translation.

That being said all of the photos of participants on the website only show men riding. Any help would be much appreciated.
There are very few women but they are allowed. My Girlfriend and I did L'Eroica in 2012. There were a few other women on the course but not many. It was amazing and highly recommended good luck, so fun!
The British one in Bakewell this year had a good two dozen women riding, I've done both and i would heartily recommend the British version as its such a cracking atmosphere.

Both sound great, but I've never been to Tuscany (whereas I did hang around the GB site back in the 80's) and would love to go riding there and get a chance to visit Sienna. Since the L'eroica Britain isn't limited entry I could do it later. Of course there is no guarantee I'll get a spot in 2016 in Italy.

The real Eroica in Tuscany is still a unique event, the course is spectacular and the atmosphere is very special. The lottery entry is a bit cruel, but it's hard to see how else they could manage it since the event is now so popular.

You could go and ride the course on your own (I did this in 2012). To me, the Eroica route is the most important part. I can take or leave all the twee costumes and ribollita.

The Retro Ronde van Vlaanderen in Belgium is in my view the next best thing. It's cheap, the atmosphere is fantastic, and you get to ride over some of the historic cobblestones where great riders like Merckx, De Vlaeminck, Van Looy, Museeuw etc raced. No other event (not even L'Eroica) has such a direct connection to cycling history.

Here is a list of links to some other vintage cycling events in Europe, most are very cheap, easier to get into than the Eroica, and maybe the dates might suit your plans better:


Johnsqual":1fpbu2un said:
The real Eroica in Tuscany is still a unique event, the course is spectacular and the atmosphere is very special. The lottery entry is a bit cruel, but it's hard to see how else they could manage it since the event is now so popular.

You could go and ride the course on your own (I did this in 2012). To me, the Eroica route is the most important part. I can take or leave all the twee costumes and ribollita.

The Retro Ronde van Vlaanderen in Belgium is in my view the next best thing. It's cheap, the atmosphere is fantastic, and you get to ride over some of the historic cobblestones where great riders like Merckx, De Vlaeminck, Van Looy, Museeuw etc raced. No other event (not even L'Eroica) has such a direct connection to cycling history.

Here is a list of links to some other vintage cycling events in Europe, most are very cheap, easier to get into than the Eroica, and maybe the dates might suit your plans better:


Thanks for that. I've thought of riding it outside the event, but I do like the festival vibe of group organized events and the October date aligns pretty well with my birthday. If I can't get in I'll consider other options.
I rode L'eroica UK this year, and whilst it was a truly fantastic event (although much derided by some on this forum!) it was noticeable how few women riders there were. Maybe it's that renovating and riding once-rusty old bikes is a peculiarly male obsession. Like restoring old cars, it means oily, cog-scraped hands and long hours obsessively looking for a particular 1962 wing-nut on eBay - I think most women just have better things to do!
I am inclined to agree, my lady thinks that Vintage bikes are neat but I was the one finding and building the bikes. We did Eroica Italy and she loved it! (pushing her up the last few hills helped) In fact it was kind of her idea, I came away with an obsession she has some great memories.


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