L'eroica Italy question

Thanks Midlife! I grew it especially for L'Eroica and it has been a main stay ever since, and that was Oct 2012... Sometimes to the chagrin of that Beautiful lady next to me.

Ha! I have much experience of the bird vs. beard
conflict. You can try to sneakily grow some face
fungus but my Mrs gets suspicious after about
2 week's growth.
And a pencil tache is not considered a compromise.
Not round here, anyway.
I am lucky that she is a VERY tolerant girl, but I try to treat her right. Plus I get so many compliments when we are out on the town which I make sure to use as leverage. I also give her pretty things and keep her bike running smooth.

My girlie and I also did the 2012 edition and with very little cycling experience she enjoyed it enormously. I renovated a Raleigh with a mixte frame and the odd cheat in the gearing dept for her to ride.
Entry was a bit of a 'mare as they limit the number of foreigners so you have to be on the ball when the list opens.
The trip can be expensive but worth it though especially as it's a special occasion.
We unfortunately missed the Brittania but a couple of female pals went and have raved about it ever since. Come to think of it I built their bikes too so theres probably something in the blokes love techy stuff thing.
Do it, you won't regret.

Always surprised how few women are into vintage bikes.And I remain surprised by how welcoming all the men are at vintage events and bike jumbles.Unbelievably unsexist!but then I do know my nuts and bolts
Anjou Velo Vintage in France is a very nice event for beginners.
Never fancied subjecting any of my bikes to strada Bianca!