L'Eroica Britannia - this weekend

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I'll do a full write up with photos in due course; just got home.

Here is the 100 mile route for anyone interested; I went a bit off course on the final approach to Bakewell (as did quite a few others; the only section of the ride that wasn't that well signed) and added a couple of extra miles :facepalm:


I took lots of photo's at L'Eroica but for some strange reason this photo has the most views on my Flickr link?

Must be the Pimm's bus ;)
Re: Re:

Robbied196":13ajq0qj said:
I took lots of photo's at L'Eroica but for some strange reason this photo has the most views on my Flickr link?

Must be the Pimm's bus ;)

you must improve your photoshop cropping- there are people in shot ruining our view of the pimms bus!
Re: Re:

ian.r.mcdonald":p6m4m174 said:
you must improve your photoshop cropping- there are people in shot ruining our view of the pimms bus!

That is a fair point :)


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This should be titled The Sunday from Hell part 2. Having got out of Bakewell on the start of the first proper climb out of the saddle and Bank my chain snaps and unable to get my foot out of the clip it all came crashing down,fortunately I didn't take any one with me. I managed to brake the bikes fall with no damage. Me however had a few scrapes and a strange pain from the right knee. However to more important things,how to fix the bike with no chan tool,to my rescue came a guy by the name of Steve and some friends who produced a quick link and got me on my way. Thanks guys you were magnificent. The knee however was not so good but I thought I would try to ride it off and maybe to go down to the 30 mile route. Long story short we missed the turn for the 30 mile route and as I was now walking nearly all of the hills myself and my riding partner decided that I should bale out at the next rest stop. But a funny thing happened I got so much support an encouragement from fellow riders that I developed a just another mile attitude. Finally after 11 hours to do 55 miles bruised an bloodied I crossed the finish line carried by the enthusiasm of my fellow riders and and the amazing support and encouragement of my riding buddy Graham Hawkes I would never of made it without him thank you so much. The Sunday from Hell..no just one great day and a truly magical event! Congratulations to the organisers and huge respect to all the fellow retro bikers who made Sunday so good and not forgetting the locals who made us so welcome Here's to next year see you there!
What a fantastic event ! Where do I sign for next year ?

I know people were moaning about the entry fee but for that you get a 3 day festival, music with live bands, loads of interesting stalls not just for us old bike nuts but for the ladies and kids in your life too, camping included, goody bag and a great ride with free food and your name blasted out over the Tannoy as you finish - you really did feel like a hero !

I rode my first race bike, a 1964 F.A Lipscombe, 10 speed, which coped admirably and reliably but I should have fitted a lower gear than 50" which had me crawling up the steeper hills; the climb out of Miller's Dale I thought was never going to end.

So chapeau to the organisers and all the sponsors, traders and hero makers, volunteers to you and me, who marshaled us during the rides. Good to see the local community organisations supporting us all too.

Let me say once again - Fantastic Event.
Ian Raleigh":27c8io3f said:
I was told many sellers was milking this event so upped the prices on stuff, that would have been cheap at a jumble.

Yep think most of the sellers in the jumble section had looked on ebay what stuff is fetching then tripled that to be their asking price. I saw a pretty Kn&**erd Viscount Tony Doyle with an asking price of way more than I paid for mine new from mums Littlewoods catalouge back in 81 or so!
But despite the expensive jumble it was a great event. I only did the 30 thanks to doing my knee in on a cross country run a few days ago but despite having lived between about 100yds and a mile or so from the route of the 50 and 100 (near those 2 big fun descents on the old railway line!) all my life there were still a few roads I haven't ridden before. And even the 30 had a bit of sting in the tail, a few miles from home you got to ride the course of the Monsal hill climb! Lets just say I was considerably slower than Malcolm Elliot's course record!
Chapeau to the organisers, the stall holders, all the villages we visited and people on the route cheering us on, but especially to the eccentrics, to name but a few to the German lady in 40s smart clothes on a Pashley with dodgey brakes, the superhero with a screw loose who rode the 50 on a chopper, the chap on a 50s police bike, in full uniform complete with cape and helmet, the ww2 para trooper in full battle dress on his air drop folding bike and the guys from Brazil who flew in Fri with just hand luggage, bought bikes in the Eroica festival Saturday, rode the event yesterday an fly home with their new old bikes Monday.

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