Legend - Tinker Juarez

Nice vid!
I remember the Volvo Cannondale days... they had the best riders!
Tinker, Missy, Sydor, Rockwell etc etc!
Very cool! also there is another funny video on the same youtube page .. Tinker Tomac Rivalry haha
Tinker Juarez

Always remember the days when he rode on those Team Volvo Cannondale F series bikes in the team's viper red color from mid 90s on...and when he rode for Klein in the earlier part...Cool guy :cool:
I always remember the hair, dark skin with a latin american heritage (I have dark skin and some latin american roots, and as a kid that was a fan of the sport, when no one I grew up with was, I looked up to him), and unreal endurance (partly due to his efficiency of effort); from what I've read and seen, those have not left, even to this day.
Whilst remembered for his MTB racing, dont foget he races BMA before and has completed some truly epic races on the road, including The Race Accross America.
A friend off mine has just bought tinkers old cannondale scapel.

his name is engraved in the bb shell. ill try get some pictures if anyone wants.
