L'Ecosse transfers


Dirt Disciple
I've established that the supposed Flying Scot frame about which I posted an earlier question is in fact a L'Ecosse also made by Rattrays.

I now need to reproduce the downtube transfer for the re-furb. To this end can anyone please supply me with a hi-res square-on pic of the downtube badge. It looks like this...

L' - ECOSSE but with a strange puffy font.

Lloyds are unable to supply.

Have you looked at the Flying Scot group on Flickr? I believe they may be able to help, could also contact Mr Panda on here as he has one and has been in contact with the flickr group.
Goodness me, that was quick. :D

I've searched the Flickr group pics and could find nothing but I'll look for Mr Panda and send him a note.

ianfoot":3maibmg5 said:
this was the closest / largest i could find.......


Thanks. :) I'm in contact with Bob Reid of Flying Scot website fame and we're trying to contact this owner (now in Brisbane) to obtain higher-res pics. The ones we have become too pixelated to reproduce once they are enlarged. I really need someone with an L'ecosse to take close-up high res pics so that Jacksons can reproduce them in vinyl.
Where are you in Scotland? There are a few in the museum at Drumlanrig, if you explain what your trying to do the may help you out. Furinstance the best method is to trace the decal then scan it, this will take out the curvature of the tube which the pic will pick up.
I'm in Bathgate. A trip to Drumlanrig is easy peasy. Last time I went through there it was shut. Look before you leap :oops:
Phone rik at the bikeshed and explain what you want to do, thoroughly good chap I reckon he'll help you out :D
Derek":9pwc5w9c said:
Goodness me, that was quick. :D

Aye that's quite a common chant in the Kaiser household of an evening :LOL:

Hi Derek - sorry I can't help you with this one but as K suggests - try the ones at Drum - seems the best/easiest bet............ :cool: