This came attached to a bike I bought. I don't ride sprung so it's up for sale. I don't know what make. It's leather and looks unused. It does have some scuffing to the top. Whether this will diasappear with some dubbin or something I don't know. No idea of the value so will say £22 picked up in Manchester or plus a fiver for postage. If out on price I'll take a decent offer.
I've had this for a few years but only used it on 3 day tour. Thats all. It's big
15" wide, 6" max front to back, 9" long. Light loop on the front. loop either side for whatever you want to attach. It's a Carradice copy I suppose without the side pockets and buckles instead of straps. Tiny hole on the back high up. Same price as the saddle.
I've had this for a few years but only used it on 3 day tour. Thats all. It's big
15" wide, 6" max front to back, 9" long. Light loop on the front. loop either side for whatever you want to attach. It's a Carradice copy I suppose without the side pockets and buckles instead of straps. Tiny hole on the back high up. Same price as the saddle.