Are you ready for something a little bit special?
Many of you are familiar with the content Kona have shared over the years, in articles and videos, about their story, often told or featuring their Bellingham warehouse. Here are just 2 examples:
One of the things Pip and me chatted about over the years was how'd we love to visit, and which bikes and frames we sneak away with

Pip would explain that one of ambitions was to try and obtain SN's for the custom programme frames.
Very long story short, I was blessed and incredibly fortunate to have a virtual tour last Friday over Skype with Paddy White. I still can't believe it happened and I just typed that
(^^^ not pictured last week)
I'm incredibly pleased to say, that we've managed to get some confirmed details for the HQ wall-hangers.
Let's start with this one, and I'll post the others over the coming weeks and as more information come through.
Yep, a 1999 King Kahuna. Paddy raced this one a few times (TransAlp) hence the Hutchinson decal we've seen many times on team bikes of this era. He might be able to dig out a few pictures of it built up in action. The brake bosses have been unscrewed and lost to time so I wonder if it ran a make-shift disc set-up at some point. As far as we know and remember, it never had a painted headtube which was more common at this point.
Pretty cool right? I think the placard is pretty accurate in terms of 100 made in 1999. The SN range currently supports that view.
KK19062 - Unpainted Headtube, Orange Go Faster Decals. Paddy White race bike on display at Bellingham warehouse.
I think there's a fair argument to be had that this might have been created in the 1998 production run given employees and affiliates will have access to the latest designs and bikes. Again the SN could easily place it right at the end of the run. However, I've placed it in 1999 given it's a pretty much perfect example of what the frame looked like that year.