Kona Ku Serial Number List - update 28/02/25

Update June-22

Pip is currently enjoying the great universal single-track. He had a great send-off which you can read about here: https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/phillip-pipmeister-mock-kona-guru-and-legend.443234/

His friendship is the greatest legacy he leaves us with but we must not forget the incredible resources and knowledge that he documented locally and shared here on retrobike, not least the Kona serial numbers and related information.

From today, I will administer the work he started. My current plan is to spend an hour a week updating the lists with any new entries or confirmed related data / information. The same criteria applies as before, so if you'd like to have your Kona Ku added to the list, please follow these steps before PMing with your details or questions:

1. Must be an Kona Ku
2. Have an eligible serial number, found on the bottom of the bottom bracket
3. Provide photographic evidence, preferably as the current owner
4. Check the bike and serial number isn't already on the current list (note if the record was unconfirmed previously, new details are welcome)

Big thanks to John for helping configure this and as ever - a huge thank you - to all current and past Kona-heads including Pip. Without our collective knowledge, none of this would be possible 🥰

To make finding the lists and associated data a little easier, this first post will contain the master data.

Don't forget the other registers!

Kona Titanium frames & bikes: https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/kona-titanium-serial-number-list-update-08-06-23.464733/
Kona Hot: https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/kona-hot-serial-number-list-update-june-22.446740/
Kona Caldera: https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/kona-caldera-serial-number-list-update-june-2022.446749/

So without further ado...


Red - confirmed with picture, Blue - good source, but TBC, Black - only quoting from forum post or advert.

Kona Ku Serial Number List:

Easton Elite Program Taperwall 7005.
According to a Kona Timeline, the 1995 Ku was built at Altitude Cycle Technologies, which opened its doors in April 1994.
Serial Number Format: KU###.

1996/97: Easton Elite Program Taperwall 7005.
During 1996, Altitude built the 1996 Ku, and most of those with 1997 livery – i.e. frames that were sold with the 1996 Cable Stop arrangement, but had 1997 Decals.
Serial Number Format: Early KU####, Later K096MM###.

1997: Easton Elite Program Taperwall 7005.
Enigma took on the Kona contract from Dec 1996; initially to build 100 Kus (and 100 Hots). Their frames are the true 1997 Ku – i.e. frames that were sold with the 1997 Cable Stop arrangement and had 1997 Decals.
Serial Number Format: KU97MM###.

1998: Columbus Altec2 Megatube 7005.
Enigma also built the Columbus tubing 1998 Ku, which seem to be in addition to the quoted initial quantity of 100 frames.
Serial Number Format: KK8M###.

1998: Hodaka built at least three 1998 Ku - in a similar situation to the Hodaka built Hot frames. Tubing unknown, but likely to be Columbus Altec2 Megatube 7005.
Quote from Dan Capek at Kona Tech, “There were very few Columbus ones made; they were a sponsor for our team at that point and they’d send us various tube sets to try for our production and custom models.
Quantities ranged from 2 to 20 for a run. Also they were shared out among various builders like Altitude and Enigma and even our Taiwan factories so we could get feedback from a variety of sources on the tubes.”

Serial Number Format: H9A00###.

If it is of interest?..... I could add my documented list of other Kus that I have on file, for which I have no serial number. Then there is also my documented list from the “Hall of Shame” where "Fake" Ku frames have been concocted!

Confirmation of a genuine Ku is the lack of the small Chain Stay Bridge Tube, which is a feature of all 1995 – 1998 frames, excluding the few built by Hodaka.

KU015 16” 1995 cable routing, 1995 decals - Lilac (formerly Blue), (Chapeau! Velo formerly LDP)
KU055 18” 1995 cable routing, 1995 decals - Metallic Green / Yellow Front & Stays, (Sandor via F.B)
KU178 19” 1995 cable routing, 1995 decals – Yellow, (al-onestare via Dylan)
KU206 18” 1995 cable routing, no decals – Egg Shell Blue, Powder Coated from new direct from Altitude, (CarlosKenneth)
KU401 (unconfirmed possibly KU101) 20” 1995 cable routing, 1997 decals – Burgundy c/w mainly Blue, but one Yellow decal, (Breezy)

KU0121 19” 1996 cable routing, 1996 decals – “Team Orange”, (Monsieur Paul)
KU0153 18” 1996 cable routing, 1996 decals - Champagne, (e-Bay Community 28-05-2012)
KU0160 18” 1996 cable routing, 1996 decals - Burgundy, (formerly Pip's, now jez-4-bikes-max)
KU0186 18” 1996 cable routing, 1996 decals - Stars ‘n’ Bars, (Magas’s Mate)
K09606012 18” 1996 cable routing, 1996 decals - Stars ‘n’ Bars – welded ‘96 June number 12, (Magas)
K09606058 18” 1996 cable routing, 1996 decals - Stars ‘n’ Bars – welded ‘96 June number 58. Original purchased date: 27/02/9, (Ernie)
K09606046 19” 1996 cable routing, w/o original Kona Font decals - Flat Black – welded ‘96 June number 46, (Bikerguync)
K09606051 18” 1996 cable routing, 1997 Decals - Black – welded ‘96 June number 51, (Bobby Wong)
K09606064 - 19” 1996 cable routing, 1997 decals - Matt Purple with Matt Yellow Flames - welded ‘96 June number 64, (Charlie Best (B!ke at Petersborough Community Cycling Hub, Ontario) via Sándor)
K09606065 18” 1996 cable routing, 1997 decals - Burgundy with Yellow Flames – welded ‘96 June number 65, (Dylan)
K09606075 18” 1997 cable routing (pair of single Top Tube Front Mech and Rear Brake Stops), 1997 decals - Matt Purple with Matt Yellow Flames – welded ‘96 June number 75. Seller claimed K09696975, (rosk0pp e-Bay)
K09606107 18” 1996 cable routing, 1997 decals - Black – welded ’96 June number 107, (Customstandards)

KU9702049 19” 1997 cable routing, 1997 decals - bright Orange – welded ‘97 February number 49, (Markwashington, Ductape)
KU97020## 16” 1997 cable routing, 1996 HOT decals - Stars ‘n’ Bars – welded ‘97 February number ##, (Craigslist USA)
KU9702050 19" 1997 cable routing, 1997 blue decals - Metallic Blue (similar to 1997 Kilauea SE) - welded '97 February number 50 (Guigui58 )
KU9702051 16” 1997 cable routing, 1997 decals - Chartreuse - welded '97 February number 51. Original purchased date: 18/02/98, (al-onestare via Social Media)
KU9702052 19” 1997 cable routing, 1997 decals – Purple with Yellow Polkadots – welded ‘97 February number 52, (Ryan Norgart)
KU9702057 16" 1997 cable routing, 1997 decals - Metallic Red with Metallic Green/Gold flames with Yellow edging, number 57 (Delvin McPherson). Cracked headtube.
KU9702085 17”, 1997 cable routing, 1997 decals - Happy Go Luck Green (1997 Kapu) - welded '97 February number 85, (Peter John Furzer)
KU9702089 20” 1997 cable routing, no decals – Paint stripped; was Esse Blue (1998 Manomano) with 1998 decals – welded ’97 February number 89, (Craigslist via H1v9a8c8 )

KK88031 18” 1998 Eggshell Blue sparkle – welded ‘98 August number 31, (3DV_MTB (Joe))
KK88036 18” -1998 Black with Blue Flame c/w Red surround – Welded ’98 August number 36, (Craigslist via Mortonm)
KK88044 18” 1998 Banana Yellow – welded ‘98 August number 44 (was Pip's)
H9A00496 18” 1998 Mustard Yellow – Hodaka, 1999, Control Code A, October, 0496. Warranty replacement, (al-onestare via social media)
H9A00505 16” 1998 Mustard Yellow - Hodaka, 1999, Control Code A, October, 0505, (Lynn_T)
H9A00511 16" 1998 Bright Green - Hodaka, 1999, Control Code A, October, 0511 (Franceso), hard to make out second 1
H9A00527 17” 1998 Eggshell Blue sparkle – Hodaka, 1999, Control Code A, October, 0527, (al-onestare via Kona Guy)

How do I send a pic of my 1998 Kona Ku serial # H9A00460
This is my new to me Kona Ku. Trying to link up with Pips site. I’m new so help!


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A very early Ku added to the list and yes, you've guessed it, it's cracked at the headtube. I'm triple checking the size and colour.



KU041 18" 1995 cable routing, 1995 decals - Dark Green to Dark Grey, (Kona Guy, Facebook)
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This is my new to me Kona Ku. Trying to link up with Pips site. I’m new so help!

Pretty sure that's H9A00490 (not 60). Please could you share some side shots of the bike and frame, along with any history and how you came about it. That way we can confirm it's identity. IF it's a Ku, the SN would place it as a 98 model.
Custom paint on the front end looks like a very good match to 1997 Marzocchi bomber z2 light which would make sense as Kona were running marzocchi bombers on there 97/98 builds

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