Kona Kilauea


Retro Newbie
Hi Folks

Firstly what a great a site! tons of useful info here. Thanks for letting me join.

I own a Kilauea since 93. Its not been ridden for ages and after discovering this site have decided to get it back in use.

Everything on it is as it was when bought. I want to keep it that way but i need 3 new chainrings a new chain and rear wheel with rear cassette and hub.

The rear wheel is buckled but my biggest mistake when i was at uni the original kona 399 rim buckled and i couldnt afford rebuild. I bought the cheapest wheel shop had. It weighed a tonne and to make things worse let the shop keep my old buckled one with hub.

Anyway im on a mission to return it to its former glory shall post some pictures when i get it all done.
Great stuff, look forward to the pictures. Good luck and be aware that your wallet is now living in fear of it's life...
Welcome to the world of retrobiking! Don't wait until she's finished show us the work in progress the more pics the better!


Welcome! Kilauea? '93? Git..! Yeah, post before and after pics if poss. And as Geoff said, lock your wallet up, it'll soon be empty ;)
Welcome as the others said, new cassette and chain, should definately come from a shop. www.chainreactioncycles.com would be a good place to start. Chain rings, maybe shop, maybe ebay, maybe here, but again new if you can.

As for the rear wheel, there are loads of wheels going through here all the time, so either try to get/build what you had, or simply treat yourself to a new matching pair. (by new of course I mean, well, you know I mean nos, or really good condition from the period).

Yeah get some pic's up here and get a wanted thread started.
parodius":33nodbm1 said:
I own a Kilauea since 93.
It was a nice bike in its day, but there isn't much call for old bikes like that now. Give you seventy quid for it. Well, alright, eighty.

Welcome to the site Parodius, you'll find there are a few people on here who have a Kilauea fetish including me. They're stunning machines and i'm glad that finding retrobike has spurred you into dragging it back out again. It's one of two bikes in my collection that i would never get rid of. Happy trails dude :D

OT but WOW just realised that instead of owning a few bikes i now have "a collection" :shock: :LOL: :LOL: Thats what retrobike does for you
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Attached the photo of as it is now. Not great picture will take a better one over weekend if we get any sun!. Found today back at my parents garage the original joe murray bottle cage!!which is now on it.

Yep sure is good for burning cash this business!!.

Gave it a clean up today and went all around hertfordshire bike shops trying to get 5 arm chainrings no luck. I want ones same as on it now 46tooth and 36 tooth. Sure ill find them online.

Tomorrow looking to get new rear wheel and rear casstette with 7 gears. Fingers crossed

Nice try one-eyed_jim but 70 quid!!! no way taking this one to the grave with me :D

The chain reaction cycle website looks great think ill be able to get most parts from there.


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This is the place to be finding your chainrings and cassette Parodius, stick an ad in the wanted section and i imagine you'll soon find what you need.