Kona Kapu 1994 - pastures new

Re: Kona Kapu 1994 - wheely annoying (P3 woe)

The power of the internet / the universe has meant not only have I got the magical fabled pawl tool / coat hanger, but a NOS lock nut, all for a fiver! I'll give the prop's to the seller after I've got it all sorted as he deserves a massive pat on the back. Re-building commences this Sunday when I get back home.

Final recommendation advice. What chain should I use? I would like something robust but high quality and of the era if possible. Do I just go with another Campagnolo Veloce?
Re: Kona Kapu 1994 - wheely annoying (P3 woe)

i always use KMC chains on my campag setups
Re: Kona Kapu 1994 - wheely annoying (P3 woe)

Good news: the rear hub is back in one piece and super smooth. How I got there was problematic. The tool does the job up to a certain point. It really does hold the pawls in well. The real tricky bit is getting the assembly into the hub enough for the pawls to engage but leaving enough room to release the tool.

After 5 attempts I managed to get it in and it worked perfectly. The next challenge was refitting the axle and lock-nuts, usually a very easy job. Not in this case because the assembly with the pawls wanted to pop off at every chance and of course, just as the lock nuts were beginning to make some progress: ping...

I was on the verge of chucking the whole thing out of the window. Ridiculous design.

Off to the LBS it went and thank the lord they managed to get it sorted but not without their own pain! I would have paid them £200 if they'd asked :LOL:


So yesterday afternoon it was polished up along with the cassette and skewer. With both boots on I think this really does look boss. It's just the final push now of cabling, tape, chain and tinker. Apologies for the phone pic quality:

Re: Kona Kapu 1994 - almost there (P5)

That's a sweet looking bike.. I've just shelled out for a charge juicer just because I love skinny tubed frames.. tange prestige too :) but yeah I'm kinda jealous of your kapu.. maybe one day eh
Re: Kona Kapu 1994 - almost there (P5)

Thank you all. Slight problem :?

WFH today which meant I could drop it off at the LBS for the final push. I gave it a good check again beforehand and noticed I'd missed a few spacers from the rear axle, so a few minutes tinkering got that sorted. However, as I put the rear wheel back in I noticed it was a bit loose one side. Must be the tension on the skewer I thought, but upon closer inspection suddenly noticed the mech side drop-out is about 2-3mm wider than the non-mech side.

This would explain the lack of original red paint that side I had to touch up. At some point and it could have even been in transit, the hanger has had been on the end of an incident.

Thankfully we know steel is real and can cope with some gentle persuasion. Still, it's a bit bollocks as I'll have to re-paint that area. Since the guys at the LBS are better equipped (remember I live in a flat with no man cave), they'll give it a go tomorrow. They know how rare and precious this is - they have strict instructions to be firm but as gentle as possible! :oops: :LOL:
Re: Kona Kapu 1994 - almost there (P5)

She's all done minus a polish of the levers and pedals (and fitting them). Proper pic's will follow this weekend if it's dry. Apologies for the poor one here.


This bike is BOSS :mrgreen: