Kona Explosif 1998 20"


That's what is good about eBay (shill bidding aside) - the market sets the price. People should just go for 99 p no reserve. Otherwise don't sell it.....
I smell shill bidding - take a look at i***g( 214) - 3 bids to bump it up...and happened to do the same in the last auction.

Walk away people, walk away.
Not necessarily shill bidding though it wouldn't surprise me. It could be the same potential buyers seeing if the reserve has been dropped. We'll see...
This bike has had some odd bids though when it was open to best offers; £700 on a BIN of £750 and £579 on a BIN of £599 , both from the same buyer early in the listing, and both times ignored by seller; not even acknowledged and declined. Methinks they were placed to persuade others to get their bids in sharpish lest they lose out! Or very sloppy of the seller.
I think if I was the real owner I'd give the seller/friend his marching orders. He's made a real balls up of this sale.
I'm sure someone will be happy with it it's just all the fuss and faff around it that has been strenous for some...i mean it honestly seller glws
Dear all.

To fill you all in on your mad cap guesses and Ms Marple conclusions.
Firstly as we've stressed before all bids were genuine.

Yes we started with a high BIN - as we were the bikers of the 1990's buying these bikes at retail prices. We've kept riding them for 20 years, and this is our first time back into the Kona bike market - As we didn't know what present appetite there would be for the bike we started high knowing we could always drop it if we had too.

It was relisted several times as we knew to find said person with the right appetite for the bike wouldn't happen first time. The good news for us is persistence prevails and we have found the right person now and have happy buyer and seller.

Clearly this is the first time we've been in this forum and talking bike for nigh on 20 years. Your thoughts and advice at the start we're welcomed.
You're pointless commentary on our progress and comment has given us much entertainment and amazement. Amazement that sadly the bike community has clearly changed from the common respect for others out on the trail that we enjoyed so much, clearly it has dissipated and smoldered away with the new age of internet forums - ironically designed to bring like minded communities together and grow, sadly ending up with the opposite.
Or maybe that's just a British digital culture change ?

If nothing else we need to thank you because the interest you've generated, the continued clicks on the listing link have propelled it to the top of the searches, ensuring it's been placed in front of and seen by more than we could have hoped.

Perhaps in the future, instead of simply tracking the price listing method, you could analysis the page views reset each time with a relist? Combined with a wider selling strategy, than a simple list it for 99p and hope the right buyers spots it a single 10 day window. You may yourselves find you're getting more money for your own auctions than simply using fire-sale tactics.

Enjoy your bikes.

[Final Post]
eds720":3484hds8 said:
Dear all.

To fill you all in on your mad cap guesses and Ms Marple conclusions.
Firstly as we've stressed before all bids were genuine.

Yes we started with a high BIN - as we were the bikers of the 1990's buying these bikes at retail prices. We've kept riding them for 20 years, and this is our first time back into the Kona bike market - As we didn't know what present appetite there would be for the bike we started high knowing we could always drop it if we had too.

It was relisted several times as we knew to find said person with the right appetite for the bike wouldn't happen first time. The good news for us is persistence prevails and we have found the right person now and have happy buyer and seller.

Clearly this is the first time we've been in this forum and talking bike for nigh on 20 years. Your thoughts and advice at the start we're welcomed.
You're pointless commentary on our progress and comment has given us much entertainment and amazement. Amazement that sadly the bike community has clearly changed from the common respect for others out on the trail that we enjoyed so much, clearly it has dissipated and smoldered away with the new age of internet forums - ironically designed to bring like minded communities together and grow, sadly ending up with the opposite.
Or maybe that's just a British digital culture change ?

If nothing else we need to thank you because the interest you've generated, the continued clicks on the listing link have propelled it to the top of the searches, ensuring it's been placed in front of and seen by more than we could have hoped.

Perhaps in the future, instead of simply tracking the price listing method, you could analysis the page views reset each time with a relist? Combined with a wider selling strategy, than a simple list it for 99p and hope the right buyers spots it a single 10 day window. You may yourselves find you're getting more money for your own auctions than simply using fire-sale tactics.

Enjoy your bikes.

[Final Post]
Greed is good; Bullshit is better!