Kona Explosif 1997 team edition

Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

magas":3kik8vbr said:
8) wow al, thats coming together very nicely :D

did you gave the frame a bit of TLC ? It looks very shiny :)

:D Cheers, yes I did. The usual deep clean, then some intense and careful white spirit application to remove some stray white wall paint (I'm guessing someone decorated their garage / house and didn't put a dust-sheet over the bike), another clean, then some turtle wax. It's come up lovely.
Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

great job on the frame - thats how it should be done :wink: :D
Re: Kona Explosif 1997 team edition: building & collecting

That's proper nice. The green Bombers really suit it too.
Re: Re:

enc":evpa64sp said:
Lovely build so far ! What will you do about the long scratch on the down tube ?

Cheers :) Absolutely nothing, it's a proper battle scar along with the paint loss on the rear triangle. Touching it up would make it look like a botch job in my opinion.

Here's another shot of Roland (and Chris Sheppard behind on a Haro). If you're wondering what race this was, I think this was the 1997 nationals at Harwood Hills where he came 2nd. I think Andreas Hestler won (on a Rocky Mountain also sporting slime green Z2's).
