Kona Curve brakes - straddle cable!


Retro Newbie
Hey, I just got ahold of an old Lava Dome with Kona Curve brakes. Unfortunately, the straddle cables for the brakes are hopeless (one is broken, the other is rusted and frayed beyond restoration). I am wondering where I can get replacement straddle cables for these brakes, or whether it's possible to use the parts (the hexagonal bolt that seems inseparable from the cable running through it, and the solderless nipples) to fashion new ones somehow. Or if anyone has any other ideas...! :)

Grateful for all advice!
It's quite common for the cable and bolt to rust together - they will separate!

I usually remove the bolt and cable, clamp the nipple in a vice, attach an adjustable spanner around the cable above the bolt, then a sharp tap of a hammer on the spanner gets it sliding off the cable.

An old piece of brake cable will do fine for a straddle cable.
If you do some searching on here you'll find a thread (excuse the pun) on the sized of the ferrel (?) needed if you need to replace the whole thing. I bought some off ebay a few years back and they do the job perfectly on the A'ha.