Kona CinderCone and Hahanna

I did a spot of unintentional bog snorkelling last week due to local flooding, good fun but being up to my waist in water pedalling for half a mile I had to fully strip down the poor old Kona to dry it out and re lube. It’s had a full can of gt85 in every crook and nanny, my shed smells wonderful.
I have a set of pace RC36 pro class 2 forks that are destined for another project so I fitted them just for fun. The axle to crown length is way bigger than the project twos and it looks a bit American chopper but it actually rides really well. It’s a wheelie monster now, not surprisingly lol
I’m liking a suspension fork on this bike. A rockshox Judy with disc mount would be perfect, if I can find one….
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A day off work yesterday so I thought I’d head for the hills and try out the latest version of the Hahanna. Very cold and a bit of snow so on went the fire xc tyres and I’m glad I swapped them out! They were amazing in the snowy, icy sometimes muddy conditions grip was never a problem. The fork felt great, a nice amount of compliance which took the sting out of the rocky sections.
I think the four pot on the rear might be a bit overkill so I’ll refit the mini two pot then it’s nearly perfect, nearly finished… 962AFD1F-1CEB-46F6-8B4E-7A4D2983449F.jpeg 364AEBB3-CBE0-43EA-AA2E-7E1DF7196A53.jpeg B99FD61A-5F11-4531-9B9E-2DD5B94C5C85.jpeg 1E641490-0500-4979-A08F-6E64B2E52784.jpeg 11D5C7BA-D1A6-494F-8D3A-F4C4078108ED.jpeg 2AB533A9-6B47-4A20-9061-135579002FF3.jpeg A6873694-79CB-4D1D-8C84-C60EEC4C99A7.webp
Another day off work and I was ordered to spend a few hours out of the way. The shed was agreed on and after some bartering I was allowed a heater on too…yay
But what to do… I built the Hahanna as an experiment, practice for the Cinder cone if you like and I think it’s been a success. It rides fantastically well, better than I hoped for and I’m getting all precious about it now. It’s gotten out of control and I’ve done something unthinkable, I bought an Explosif to ride In foul weather and to the shops to keep the lovely little Hahanna out of harms way. I bet few people can say that without adding, nurse can I have my lithium and electric shock treatment please.
So what to do, well the Explosif isn’t a full bike just a frame with the option of disc or V brakes. What good are V brakes when you have very pretty Hope hydraulic disc brakes under the bench? So I put the soft jaws in the vice and got my straightest hacksaw out….. 347066FE-9089-429F-BAFD-F7B20F39F806.webp 5006DA4D-7F50-42F9-A1A6-097E4370E862.webp 61F5C95C-EA95-4D56-94D8-A11F1BBCC3BA.webp
I didn’t cut the posts off the Explosif, it’s back in the loft for now. This thread is getting a bit messy, probably a good time to do a separate one for the CinderCone…