Klein Pinnacle Frame - 99p start

I'm bidding on it, and have someone bidding against me, placing 31 (!) consecutive bids.... each either a 1 or 2 pound step up from the previous...

Should I become suspicious?
Its 3-4 seconds between each of his bids. Looks like some automatic program to me or shill bidding - same is happening on a few of that sellers items.
I always use snipe tools now to avoid this scenario - maximum bid right at the end; worth the small price IMHO
So much blatant shilling going on at the moment, even from long standing eBayers :roll:

Bidder Information
Bidder: 0***l ( 938 )
Feedback: 100% Positive
Item description: Item Title: KLEIN PINNACLE FRAME XL RETRO
Bids on this item: 31

30-Day Summary
Total bids: 64
Items bid on: 23
Bid activity (%) with this seller: 48%

Bid retractions: 0
Bid retractions (6 months): 2

I believe the paint is original. I got it from the states and it doesn't look like it's had a hard life.

I can email you more pictures if you want. I don't bid my own
stuff up as you can see by my last listings. An
Onza chain ring for 99p, bargain!!