Klein internal cable routing problems.


Devout Dirtbag
In a moment of weakness, I took my eye off the ball when threading a new gear cable though the top tube of the Klein....

I've spent nearly a whole day trying thread the cable through without a sleeve. PLEASE can anyone give me an insider trick to get this poxy cable back through the bleedin' tube before I go potty!

So far I've tried:

Poking a very thin but rigid piece of metal though. It's not much thicker than an actual gear cable and to look at it you'd think it would be ideal. No luck. I've also tried taping a bit of thread to the end of it and putting the Dyson over the hole to suck it through. But again, no luck.
Ah, the joys of owning a Klein...;) Thankfully my Mantra's all external.

You'll need to fit a new sleeve, or at least use a bit to guide the inner.
I've only ever managed this by looping a long (at least 5x the tube length) sewing thread through a small needle to give the end a bit of weight.
Tie something bigger than the cable entrance hole of the frame to the other end, and feed the needle down inside the tube with the tube vertical.
A vacuum cleaner masking-taped over the lower hole will help coax it out. Some people have suggested using a magnet at the exit hole.

You can roughly estimate the position of the needle, then just keep raising and lowering it slowly around the exit hole.
God knows how they did this on a commercial scale at the factory :shock:

It took plenty of goes, but eventually there was the wonderful sound of the needle rattling up the vacuum hose...

Drop the needle and thread down a new piece of liner (with its end flared) and slide it back into the frame.

Give it a go.

All the best,
I managed it using a wire coat hanger in about 10 mins, just angle one end towards the exit hole at the other, then jiggle.
Right. This method works. It always works, and once you know what you are doing, it works quickly.

Length of cable. Offer it up to the frame, on the outside. You need the length from the in hole to the out hole. Bend one end enough so that it will contact the inside wall of the tubing when you kinda twizzle it around.

Insert, bent end first, into tubing. Hold the cable, rotate/ twizzle.

If you have the length right, looking into the out hole with ya torch, you should see the bent over end rotating just past the hole when you twizzle it.

Hook it out. Use cable to pull through whatever you want. :shock: :shock:
Another method for the mix. You need:

-1 x button
-1 x 3 metre length of thick thread
-1 x liner
-1 x hoover
-1 x blob of blutac or similar

Thread the thread through the liner and tie off on the button at the flared end of the liner. Now take the other end of the thread and put it into the entrance hole in the frame, threading as much of the thread as possible into the frame and then block off that hole and all others that you are not interested in with blutac.

Now take the Hoover and suck the thread out of the exit hole. Remove the blutac. Bingo bongo you can now pull the thread and with it the liner.
Put a small bend in the end of the cable say an inch long. Thread this end through first and use a magnet to tease it out.
i cut the short part off an allen key up to create a 90 degree hook, slid a cable minus the barrel end into the tube, hooked it out and slid the nylon liner down it......took 10 mins but worked!......frustrating job all in though!.....
All of the above is too complicated.
Here's an easy way to do it.

Get yourself a MAGNET. By using it, you can feel (and hear too) where the cable end goes inside the frame. Then slowly guide the cable towards exit hole in the frame and guide the cable end out.

Works every time.
uno-speedo":3i4fklts said:
Put a small bend in the end of the cable say an inch long. Thread this end through first and use a magnet to tease it out.

this is the best methiod i have tried. they just slide the plastic over the cable and yoru done. still fiddly though.