She is nearly done and i can't stop looking at her. I will claim this to be an adroit till i die due to the fact.
It came out of the factory with the badge and paint of a adroit and it states in the 97 catalogue for sale as an adroit and was bought as an adroit, and after browsing through all the catalogues i can see no suggestion that it is not an adroit. so to me it is an adroit. also note that no one has shown me a picture of a 97 attitude with mc2 and airhead and 2inch down tube, so that to me says its an adroit.
What i have come to the conclusion after all this wonderful controversy is to ask myself what did i want from this bike which was left to rot in my shed. Well i wanted a storm paint job done, i wanted a 2inch airhead mc2 fuselage done, and i wanted some forks that were light and could be made to fit into the airhead system done, also i wanted this to be the non shimano lightweight build done.
The only thing left for me to do with this baby is to ride it with a few like minded mud freaks like me in cumbria next week, which will be done.
Last pic of my Klein Adroit Custom fully built to come. Period