The Lincolnshire, East and South Yorkshire area group proudly presents -
Keldy & Cropton Forest
Location - Cropton Forest
Distance - 15-20 miles depending on conditions.
Difficulty Rating - 3/5
Grid Ref - SE 783 894
Time :: 9.30am for a 10.00am start.
Car Parking - Cawthorne Roman Camp
Terrain - Singletrack, double track, fire roads, country lanes.
Refreshments - None on route please bring enough food and drink to see you through a fulln days riding.
We first rode this route last year as part of a stag do for James Lee. Conditions were pretty tough with lying snow in places so I'd expect similar this year. Some fantastic single track hidden in the woods interspersed with easier riding on the fire roads. I'll put a google maps link up for the start point as there is no postcode and its not easy to find.
Keldy & Cropton Forest
Location - Cropton Forest
Distance - 15-20 miles depending on conditions.
Difficulty Rating - 3/5
Grid Ref - SE 783 894
Time :: 9.30am for a 10.00am start.
Car Parking - Cawthorne Roman Camp
Terrain - Singletrack, double track, fire roads, country lanes.
Refreshments - None on route please bring enough food and drink to see you through a fulln days riding.
We first rode this route last year as part of a stag do for James Lee. Conditions were pretty tough with lying snow in places so I'd expect similar this year. Some fantastic single track hidden in the woods interspersed with easier riding on the fire roads. I'll put a google maps link up for the start point as there is no postcode and its not easy to find.