Keith Coppell Lo-Pro (80's content)


I am really tempted to get something like that myself. I loved the Caygills with curved tubes and 24" wheels. Mercian also did a really nice lugless lo pro. One day maybe, hard to justify now with three kids to feed!!

It's pretty stable Shaun, but then again i'm not hitting 35mph and in total aero mode! I wouldn't trust the tubs in any case, i'm just waiting for them to disintegrate :shock:

I justify such purchases on the basis that my son may one day actually appreciate them. Given that he's got no interest in bikes or indeed anything that involves strenuous activity I may be deluding myself, but it does mean I can still keep buying bikes on such a pretense, well that's what I tell myself anyway :)


The frame and paint is so fantastic that I think the ancillaries (tape, saddle, cables) should be neutral in colour...white would be my pick

I love it all the same
I think in time i'll end up changing the consumables, it's in desperate need of new tubs & a saddle. I am somewhat loathed to change the tape though, not purely due to aesthetics, but because it's the best bar wrapping i've seen!! :facepalm:

My dad has one of these made by Keith. Not as radical colour wise but made with teardrop tubes. Love that bike and it will be mine one day hahaha.

Might take a while, think the bike is actually in his loft. Next time I visit I'll have a look or root through his pics ;)

Diamont Don is exactly right - photo's required :)

From the brief conversation I had with Keith's daughter Paula when I picked this up, I think she said that he made 6 lo-pro's for him and his club mates, so if that's correct then it's a very limited pool of bikes, and of course, i'd love to see some of the others.

I managed to find a very nice condition San Marco Ergo saddle to replace the wrecked one that came on the bike. The new one is fluro pink to match the bar tape!! True 80's!! :D