KARMA give away and the winner is ow have a look and see p8

marin man":2q4prpzk said:
:cry: :cry: I can not believe you would exclude your own flesh and blood dan :cry: :cry:


This is actually true :?
:shock: :LOL: :LOL:

No offence guys either party ;)
marin man":38pffeem said:
:cry: :cry: I can not believe you would exclude your own flesh and blood dan :cry: :cry:


sorry scott if you really was my brother id have given them too you straight away but as your not and you won the last karma give away i without any meaness what so even :twisted: :twisted: i ban you from this one to be fair to others unless you start a karma give away thread with something nice and shiney in it ;)
I have been cast from the bosom of my brother....alas...... :cry: :cry:

I will do my own little karma giveaway next week then :LOL:

good luck guys :cool: