Just saved the day by making a quill seat post :-) pics


Devout Dirtbag
Well thanks to the advise from my other thread I was able to make a quill seatpost and save my new build, see link http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=160051

Im sure others are in the same position may well find this useful???

So the dilemma was that I had a frame that had a broken intergrated seatpost clamp after a few days of crying I bucked up my ideas and got stuck in to building a Quill seatpost as these are mega hard to find and cost the earth when you do...

I started off with a alloy 27.2 seat pillar, these are normally found in small "older" style bike shop's hidden under dusty newspapers and old tea bags.. I searched about 10 stores before finding that a long standing but rather cheap cycle store near where I live had many instock, 10 quid later this was purchased.. Shop was Everything cycles in Walthamstow....


I then went to a local hardware shop and got a threaded rod and a dome headed nut, this stopped the issue of how to do up the rod once installed in the seat pillar..
Dome nut

threaded rod

the seat attachement was taken care of by using a standard fittment 22.2mm Raleigh clamp.. Avai on Ebay or most cycle shop's

Now just cut the seat post at the bottom at an angle..
Borrowed pic form web..

And the last bit you will need is a normal seat post square bolt

So with this little lot what you need to do is put the rod through the pillar with the dome nut and a washer under neath to stop it falling through.. Place another washer at the bottom of the pillar and screw the rod into the square seatpost bolt.. Now take the wedge part and slowly put it in the seat tube, once the wedge part is about 3/4 of the way in you can then just push it in... Tighten the dome nut this will pull the wedge up and there you go a quill seatpost for about 12 quid!!! :D I did need to sand down the square bolt corners a tiny bit so it would fit but nothing major...

Sorry for no real pics but my camera is dead at the mo :roll: ....

Later Ray

I could have done with this tip a few weeks ago before I ended up reaming my seat tube out after cutting down the single most stuck seatpost I've ever seen.
Nice work Ray, " Job Done", just be careful not to over-tighten the wedge, as bulging often occurs with this type of seat stem (even the bought ones).

A single 4inch long "threaded plug" was where I was going, with 3 more inches that went inside the original seat post, just a few thousands of an inch being the difference from outer to inner.

Basically a 7inch 27.2mm plug to prevent excessive pressure to the wall of the seattube.

Glad you got it sorted, and that the sad puppy is now a happy puppy :) Later Ray, Laz.

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