just been to the road section and...


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
PoTM Winner
Kona Fan
GT Fan
there's loads of names i dont recognise


come and talk rubbish in the general section!
I don't often go to the dark side, It kind of freaks me out a bit!!

They are all geeks that talk about old bikes 'n' stuff. :shock: Weirdos! ;)

well just out of curiosity i ventured in and i to only recognised one name on any postings "ededwards", left quick they looked an odd bunch remind me of the brady bunch :LOL:
I started this thread to make the roadies welcome not to make them feel like freaks.

Even though they shave their legs.
i inadvertently wandered into the road for sale bit

took me about 5 mins to work out what was wrong
still sends a shiver