Judy steerer polish and sanding


GT Fan
Hello, I just bought a Judy XC from 96 to use the steerer on some on 98 judy DH.
But I've noticed the finish is a little bit diferent from the others
Is that possible to sand and polish to put it mirror like? Pics



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It sure is. I've done it a few times. Depends on what your starting point is, if it's got scratches you'll want to start off with a coarser material and then step to finer until you get a mirror finish. Then polish with autosol or similar, then give it a few costs of car wax to seal it and make it last longer.

Scotchbrite pads would be what I'd use, unless you have some polishing mops you can attach to a drill.
Thanks for the replies!
Well.... we're getting there, but it has been tough and its nowhere finished😅😅
I think the matt finish looks cool on the judy 96 XC but not so much on the 98 DH, it looks out a little bit out of place.
or maybe it's just that I'm used to what we see on the latest restorations