January PoTM (Photo of The Month)

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Retrobike Rider
Ok folks, back by popluar (hopefully) demand...it's PoTM time.

Whether you've got 1 PegaMixel, 22 PegaMixels or you are still using RVP100 on a mechanical Leica and see no need to change...(here's to the luddites :D ) get your cameras out on your rides and let's start seeing some contenders.

The theme this month is 'A Moment'.

What is a moment? 1/8000th of a sec? 30 secs? Or the half hour faff on on every ride? ("I'll just be a moment..." :oops: )

Go forth and interpret however you wish.

Only rules are:

*that you should have either taken it or at least be in it.
*one entry per person seems sensible to keep the list simple (good for your editing skills too :) ).
*It's within the relms of decency (and the law) please.
*and with some relation to cycling might be an idea.

Deadline for entries shall be later in Jan. Upload to this thread and we'll make a poll.

Happy snapping...

:D :D :D
Fantastic :D Glad to see this as a comp!

I'll have a shufty through some pics I have and see what is the best.....

......although I did get some good ones yesterday. Will have to see if they fit the "A Moment" heading ;)
the old and the new working side by side out down the woods taken earlier at fritton woods


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I think one entry per person makes sense as I'm expecting quite an influx here (ahem), well let's hope so.

Good for your editing skills anyway. :D
I have called this one

'Thank f*ck that's over'

Sorry people, I´ve tried all ways I know but can't get to see my picture. Anyone that can help, please?
leonatico":28sq0ges said:
Sorry people, I´ve tried all ways I know but can't get to see my picture. Anyone that can help, please?

Here you go :) (1000th post too, my Girlfriend says this makes me a special geek :D )

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