James Martin being a c*ck about cyclists

ha ha ha

He's sort of said sorry: http://www.jamesmartinchef.co.uk/defaultc.asp?xpath=/news&xpathid=
Regarding the The Tesla Roadster Article...
May I take this opportunity to apologize for any offence I have caused through the article in last weekend’s Mail on Sunday. It was never my intention to offend the many cyclists who share our roads across the country. What was intended to be a humorous piece was clearly misjudged. Further more I do not condone any form of reckless driving.

Once again, I am sincerely sorry for any upset caused in relation to this article.

James Martin
Talks the big talk but doesn't stand by his statements or opinions . Another half arsed writer unwilling to stand by what he believes in ; i don;t know what sickens me more , his complete disregard for fellow people sharing the same space as him or his instant flip flop on something that he clearly thinks is right .


If your going to hold a view thats wrong at least defend it , even if its just for a little while to save face . If you lack the guts to do that then your words have as much impact and worth as me typing aeefhbvfkj,idsch sif ,uihfruefhfhvfnvfdnv .
I completely agree with Perry. Although he is rather good looking! or so i'm told.
He does cook very well and he does have some great classic cars.
I've also been informed he has his own hair and teeth! And is rather slimmer than i gave him credit in my ill judged slagging session.

Oh,i forgive him. infact i think he's ace! :D

Al, Like that you mean? :LOL:
Oh dear, what a chump.

I bet he never even drove past any cyclists, all chat :roll:
WAHAAAY!!! At last i've found some other people that think James Martin is a complete c0ck! He is so bloody smug, his head is shoved up his own @rse so far he can't even see the light of day! I think his inspiration is that complete w@nker who does the insurance adverts ("it's not a REAL mouse" etc) sorry, can't think of the tossers name. I.E stuck up his own @rse too, boasts about his car collection, and hates cyclists. But i agree with the above comments, just the sound of his voice makes me want to put a size 9 through my telly. I (stupidly) read the article in the Sunday Thymes mag (in the launderette - wouldn't buy it if you paid me) some time ago where he was showing off his collection of cars and motorbikes - the fat w@nker even has a F1 car?! I bet £10 he can't even fit in the bloody thing.. And the ladies love him?! Maybe i should put on 4 stone and cook some posh nosh, then i'd have ladies buzz around me like flies on sh1t.

Rant over! And thanks for the facebook link - armageddin on that one right away! Lol!! :twisted:
Am i the only one that found this funny?

I am a very passionate biker but hes hardly been bad has he, just made a bad joke that has been taken well out of context. The fact is he will never drive a silent battery powered car would he, he is too much of a petrol head! Regardless of what anyone says on here he is a very good chef and actually rides mountain bikes, just in case you didnt know!

Lighten up..... :LOL: