
I guess the test will be the next car that Jaguar release. The copy nothing caption is a bit strange given how so many cars look similar these days.
Mr Two Jags has just died, so they need to move on and embrace a word stage. They are an Indian company after all,
And they need to create a similar image but different style to their full SUV chav/drop of at the school/drug dealer cars, aka Land Rover side of Jaguar.
I work in the creative industry and this rebrand had caused a HUGE stir with lots of condemnation. Someone with big balls (or not!) will have signed this off and their balls (or no balls) are currently on the line. Obviously completely alienates the current target market.
I keep saying we are going to see a lot of vehicle manufacturers fall away from the marketplace in the next few years, that based on EV mandate & such, but decisions like this from Jag will bring about a different cause of death. Someone somewhere thought this was a good idea. I hope the chinese like it, seeing as a lot of the design & marketing of cars is now aimed squarely at that market.
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