its not a Raleigh... so what is it


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New one in the shop, but is it what it says on the tin?

Raleigh decals seem to be aftermarket to me and on top of the paint, Columbus dropouts on a reynolds frame?

yet again, any help appreciated :)





Re: Is this a Raleigh or something completely different ?

From what it looks like in the first photo the blue on the top tube extends too far back, also I don’t remeber the pip on the head tube to hold a Frame fitting pump to be on a Raleigh frameset of that age if it were to be a Raleigh Panasonic era frameset

If we accept for one moment it is a Raleigh then it has some of the features of a Road Ace frame - including the pip on the headtube (I bought an RA new in '87), the paint would not be original as RAs weren't painted in TEAM livery.

If it has a W prefixed frame number (on the BB) it is a Raleigh from the Nottingham Lightweight Unit.

Re: Is this a Raleigh or something completely different ?

Apart from the serial number one of the first things I look for on a "Raleigh" frame is breather holes in the forks and seat stays. I don't know about the SBDU frames but the Lightweight Unit never seemed to bother filling them which makes for some tuneful rides on windy days and when descending. On this frame the chain stay bridge doesn't look typical and neither do the Columbus dropouts. Also, did Raleigh use Bocama bottom brackets? Getting really geeky it seems strange that the builder scalloped the seat stay end at the dropout but domed the chain stay.


I thought I took a clearer picture of the bottom bracket...... but seems I didnt :facepalm:



Don't think it's a Raleigh!

As far as I know Raleigh's have a straight bit of tubing for the rear stay bridge/support, the one on your bike is 'fancy' with squared edges to the tubes.

Rear brake bridge on a Raleigh is a straight round steel section with a brazed centre section for the brake, again yours is 'fancy'

Also on a Raleigh the rear stay top caps/covers are more 'wing shaped'..yours is not.

Sloping crown doesn't slope enough compared to any of my Raleigh's.

Anyway thats my 10 pence worth.
Re: Is this a Raleigh or something completely different ?

Not an SBDU stamp, nor does it look like the end of a lightweight unit Raleigh stamp....

So its not a Raleigh... as I suspected so do we has any 'inkling' as to what it could be?

I've been trawling the internet looking for visual answers using google images and have found a few similar lugs but my understanding is that they could have been used by any manufacturers or frame builders.

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