It's kicking off in London...

FMJ":gf8y2ie2 said:
marin man":gf8y2ie2 said:
if we keep saying it we may drum it in yet (emoticons removed)
The probability of a man in a red suit squeezing his fat arse down my chimney some time in the next few weeks is statistically greater.
That really did make me laugh out loud.... :LOL:

i believe in fixies":gf8y2ie2 said:
She then sold out to L'Oreal who have somewhat differing views on animal testing to her own.
That's true Fixies, and it's something that still baffles me to this day. Nonetheless, Anita was definitely a 'doer' rather than a 'talker'.
i believe in fixies":j6hkjm41 said:
She then sold out to L'Oreal who have somewhat differing views on animal testing to her own.
That's true Fixies, and it's something that still baffles me to this day. Nonetheless, Anita was definitely a 'doer' rather than a 'talker'.[/quote]

If I recall correctly there were a lot of personal reasons for Anita Roddick selling The Body Shop, as opposed to financial ones, there's still a lot her ideology going into the business


Happy now?!?
sgw, your lack of response to my questions regarding your announcement of the outbreak of war disturbs me, we must be told how to prepare.

My father, stirred by the memories of the dig for victory campaign has turned his entire garden to the growing of vegetables so that he can provide for family and neighbours. He has been busy with the rotorvator all day. As a keen listener to Gardener's Question Time on the wireless he has heard Bob Flowerdew and Pippa Greenwood extolling the virtues of the four bed rotational system.

However he would like to seek your advice. It is well known that Comrade Stalin was a great horticulturalist. I'm sure that you and your Comrades have learned from the tragic mistakes of the Soviet system of land management or "collectivization" which led to the death by famine of 7million in the Ukraine. Of course something must have gone right as police and Communist Party officials were well fed whilst the Ukrainians were forced to eat leaves off bushes and trees, dogs, cats, frogs, mice and birds with some resorting to cannibalism.

Any who, gardening is all a bit off topic so to bring it back...

rosstheboss":gym657c4 said:
i believe in fixies":gym657c4 said:
She then sold out to L'Oreal who have somewhat differing views on animal testing to her own.
That's true Fixies, and it's something that still baffles me to this day. Nonetheless, Anita was definitely a 'doer' rather than a 'talker'.

If I recall correctly there were a lot of personal reasons for Anita Roddick selling The Body Shop, as opposed to financial ones, there's still a lot her ideology going into the business

Yes, unfortunately she had Hepatitis C. However there are always several options when selling a business including keeping to her anti animal testing ideals however they were compromised when she sold up to l'Oreal. Maybe I'm just too cynical and she meant what she said about wanting to influence the policies of L'Oreal and Nestle from the inside.

In exactly the same way the lib dems had several options open to them. They could have formed a coalition with Labour or even gone alone and stuck by their principles such as scrapping tuition fees. Instead they decided to cast them aside by going with the option that gave them the greatest level of power. The Lib Dems have a lot to prove if they're to believed to be influencing the Tories from within.