It's kicking off in London...

An update for you sgw.

I have been in touch with my parents who still live in London. I have urged them to buy masking tape and spam. The spam is for stockpiling in case your war is a protracted one. The masking tape is for sticking in a cross shape, Blitz style, on all of their windows to protect against shattering glass.

Also, as they are somewhat unfortunate and are not lucky enough to own an Anderson Shelter in their garden I have urged them to sleep under their dining room table as it is a very sturdy affair.

I am somewhat concerned for their safety, is there anything else they can do to protect themselves? Should my father go and buy a tin bath and paint a red line round the inside of it so that they may conserve water when bathing? Should they have a bucket of sand to hand in case an incendiary bomb lands? I trust that they will not need to carry gas masks with them as they go innocently round their daily business as I understand that the mass gassing of civilians is somewhat frowned upon these days.

I have been listening to the wireless all evening and the Home Service or Radio 4 as I believe it is now called has made no mention of your declaration of war, it seems somewhat odd that you should declare it here on This is obviously a testament to John's efforts that the site is so ubiquitous that events such as war are declared here.

Post edited to correct spelling mistake as kindly pointed out by gibbleking, Retrobike's resident pedant.
FMJ":2uzhjlza said:
marin man":2uzhjlza said:
if we keep saying it we may drum it in yet (emoticons removed)

The probability of a man in a red suit squeezing his fat arse down my chimney some time in the next few weeks is statistically greater.

Well seeing as you are so sure I am coming I will just knock on the door. :)
sgw":kwmywn5p said:
A consensus for banality, even I can't be bothered to argue against that.

I will leave you in peace to go back to pictures of breasts (because there aren't enough of them on the net!) and brrr snow, cold innit posts.

"proper socialist" :D Revisionist more like.

Back to the barricades for me.


Well, one man's banality is another man's polemic.
pigman":2xwijf3s said:
marin man":2xwijf3s said:
PMSL (removed)
keep seeing this ... what does it mean?

and another post with an emoticon matey, you need a different treatment for the illness :LOL:

It means pi**ed myself laughing...and the illness is recurring sorry,filling the benefit forms in tommorrow ......just getting the practice in...