issues out riding earlier

If it's a new chain, is it too long/short? The skipping of teeth may be down to a new chain on worn cogs?

If the bike, the freewheel sound be fine to spin and stop when going forward. It will have a bit of play in it.
Axle should have the slightest of play in it when off the bike and soon smoothly.

Check the mech when it is all together and keep turning checking what is happening and where. It could be the chain dropping somewhere it shouldn't, getting picked up in the mech at bits it shouldn't, locking in some pickup teeth it shouldn't etc.

Pictures of it all together.

Of course fit it all together again and see if it still happens.

Gears were all fine before hand.
Once I got the issue it was slipping in the smallest cogs.
Once onto the bigger it easy fine.

As for pics I need to update my build thread as it's now built.
Re: Re:

kermitgreenkona88":37z4597h said:
Not wishing to sound horrible as a 'Clydesdale' myself, have you checked the rear axle is not bent, as I believe they were Ti on M950 hubs.

Had this happen to me, and I'm not a Clydesdale!
It produced very similar symptoms to those described by the OP.
Axle can even be broken and its not obviously apparent until you take the wheel out and investigate.
I had a similar issue a while ago with a secondhand wheel, tightened up everything and it felt fine so on it went, turns out that previous owner had replaced the axle with a shorter one, result was the cone got mashed against the freehub locating bolt, it would not turn, replaced the axle, and the freehub locating bolt and have had no issues at all.
By the way power to you mate, keep those pedals turning ! Well when they can turn that is?!