Retro Newbie
Hi all - first time poster
Today I picked up a bike for free from Facebook Marketplace, a late 80s early 90s Raleigh Massif
I didn't realise until I got home that the rear seat stay bar has become detatched from the frame at the top on one side.
Is this a high-stress area and would JB-Weld or similar metal-infused-epoxy be an adequate fix for this or is this bike a writeoff? As the bike was free I don't really want to spend lots on it if it turns out to be a basketcase. I will not be mountain biking it, just using it as a commuter bike (or more honestly a bike to go to the pub on!)
I only have a very basic knowledge on bikes (I'm usually into my cars!) so I apologise if this is a stupid question
Thanks, Oli
Today I picked up a bike for free from Facebook Marketplace, a late 80s early 90s Raleigh Massif
I didn't realise until I got home that the rear seat stay bar has become detatched from the frame at the top on one side.
Is this a high-stress area and would JB-Weld or similar metal-infused-epoxy be an adequate fix for this or is this bike a writeoff? As the bike was free I don't really want to spend lots on it if it turns out to be a basketcase. I will not be mountain biking it, just using it as a commuter bike (or more honestly a bike to go to the pub on!)
I only have a very basic knowledge on bikes (I'm usually into my cars!) so I apologise if this is a stupid question
Thanks, Oli