is this is a scam?

That is absolutely, 100% a scam

How can I be sure? Because a friend of mine was selling his mini motorbike and he had virtually the exact same response (except for the "Marine Engineer" bit). Unfortunately, he fell for the scam. The guy paid via Paypal and somebody came to collect it, but the payment was later reclaimed as the scammer had hacked someone's account to use it.

My friend didn't have a leg to stand on and lost out on the money and the bike.

Don't go there. There are literally thousands of scams like this (try listing a phone or laptop for sale on eBay or Gumtree and you'll see exactly what I mean) - I think the scammers must all use the same message template and just make a few adjustments here and there! :roll:
a marine engineer eh... ask him if he also does some oceanography on the side...?

its all fake pretend paypal emails, they "send" you the money, if you are dumb enough, then you give the car/bike/etc to the agent, plus the cash that the person "sent" you as extra to pay the agent (as they couldn't possible send money to someone else... meanwhile the money that paypal has been holding for you escrow style till the transaction is complete up and vanishes with the fake paypal emails (or the actual owner of the stolen credit card/hacked paypal does a retraction)... your left with no cash, no item and possible less cash if you paid the agent...
I have a pick up agent that will come for the pick up after payments have been sorted.


A quick Google for paypal scams gives this handy list:

1 - they send you an email saying money has been sent but due to new security measures it will not be credited until you send the tracking info. So you send the item, email the tracking info, then check Paypal and there is NO money in your account. You call Paypal who tells you they never emailed you, there was no transaction and they NEVER ask for tracking info before crediting your account
2 - they send you money from a hacked Paypal account, you ship the item, then the real account holder discovers the theft, reports it to Paypal and the money is refunded from your account
3 - they send you a fake Paypal email saying money has been sent but you have to click on a link to verify the transaction - which leads you to a fake but real looking Paypal log-in page that you log into -- and you just got your account hacked
4 - they send you money from a real Paypal account, ask you to ship to a certain address, then file a chargeback. If you did not check with Paypal that the address they gave you was the "verified" address and you sent anywhere but the verified address, they claim they never received the item and Paypal refunds them. It doesn't matter if you have proof it was delivered to the other address along with an email from the buyer telling you to ship to that address. If you ship anywhere but the verified Paypal mailing address, you have NO protection and Paypal will always side with the buyer
if there are so many ways for people to be scammed via paypal, it makes you wonder why anyone still uses it in the first place

i'm off to change all my passwords :shock:

Definitely a scam

I've seen this before - I saw this exact question, about a virtually identical response to an ad on a guitar forum a while ago. A Google search for 'marine engineer scam' shows it's being used quite a bit.
a very interesting read indeed gents, thank you very much.

have forwarded my dad this thread to read at his scamless leisure ;)
Before the internet, I sold a boat to a guy in Aberdeen (I was in Wales). He saw a tiny pic in Autotrader, rang me, told me he'd have it and would send a courier to get it.

A few days later, courier turns up, gives me a wad of cash, hooks trailer up to his van and clears off.

Not the same I know, but I never thought anyone in their right mind would ever buy something like a boat (or a car etc) without seeing it!

Having said that, what you've received is a scam attempt, and there's always one way around it. Cash on collection ONLY please.
deffo a scam, i was selling a broken phone on ebay once, was marked as broken and got a similar email, to which i replied, you know its broken right!. avoid!
I sold a car on ebay after the auction had ended to a guy in the states.
I was new to ebay and computers etc but it was the only interest i'd had. He asked what the reserve had been and how much to get it to Southampton docks, The total came to £4100 and I was sure it was a scam.
He asked for my bank details (pre paypal) and I even rang the bank to make sure he couldn't do any damage with them and how long before the money could not be re called. They said it should be fine.
I put full faith in him as he had in me and shipped the car off on it's 4 week journey.
It was all fine but thats not to say every one is so trustworthy.