Is the price of parts putting you off?

If we consider retro MTBs versus some other markets I am into, I don’t think it’s too bad. Look at classic cars and price movements there over the last decade or so.. More recently vintage watches. Forget about anything approaching value for money, no matter how hard you hunt.

We are fortunate that we have, and retain, a thoroughly niche hobby. One with high barriers to entry, from a knowledge if not financial, perspective. Whilst prices may increase with time here, as interest grows or supply diminishes.. the hobby will never have mass market appeal. Hence price growth is probably capped.

I know some members reference supposed hipsters as a driver of higher prices, but I don’t see it - and I spend a lot of time in Hackney, Dalston etc. I don’t see dudes with big beards and sleeve tattoos debating the merits of a Yo versus a DB at the local coffee shop, nor decorating their single speed with Grafton.

I would say that eventually pricing will increase at the extent and speed that we ride our parts into the ground, on one hand.. and will decrease at the extent to which older members die out (sorry) and their wives dump their collections onto the Bay. Somewhere in the midst of this we will hit a clearing price.
I wouldn't say the price of parts puts me off .
But it does have a bearing on the parts I choose to buy and the time scale of a build .

All my bikes are for riding and adventure off road mainly as riding on the road doesn't float my boat.
So while I'd love some of the exotic and boutique parts for builds I tend to stick to xt mainly because its so reliable/usable and still readily available/replaceable.
I won't be winning botm with any of them but I have so much fun on them which is priceless.
In all honesty, if I was to start tinkering with old tat now and into exotica I would be turned off.

Since I was always into old tat, and never into overpriced exotica (especially compared to modern-ish and with availabilty and price reductions based on not fashionable), I'm not turned off. I can still find complete STX-RC or XT clad bikes for the Ebay price of a front mech with some effort.
Yeah ten years ago we were buying exotica like Kleins and titanium Konas for the price of a bag of chips.

Now you'll need deep pockets.

But the standard mid-high range production bikes are still out there for peanuts.

Anyone selling parts knows their worth now, but full bikes with an inability to box up for a courier or advertise properly are fair game.
I can't speak to the price of parts aspect, I'm too new to the hobby to have a say. Though I have seen a rise in prices since I've come into it. I think I was in to build #3 when I really noticed it (Aug 2020 ish). I come from more of a BMX background and got into acquiring, restoring... and keeping at a fairly young age- and acquired a fairly decent collection that I ended up selling off at what I thought was near the peak, about 12 years ago. I was wrong and I regret it when I see the prices of that stuff now- People are making replicas of a bike I used to own for chrissake-- But I digress. *****NOW FLAME SUIT ON****** I don't think Retro Mountain Bike stuff is at that level of insanity yet. With Retro MTB, I honestly find the prices today fairly reasonable considering they're quality built, fairly scarce, and bring back a tonne of Nostalgia (that special word). Now if I can look into my crystal ball... I hope I'm wrong, but I think this is the start. You guy's don't know me but, I'm wrong often, so don't get too mad.

Edit* That's not to say that some asking prices I've seen out there are crazy, considering with a little effort they can be found cheaper. My biggest problem is shipping costs. It's cheaper for me shipping-wise to buy from one of you even if I buy through eBay than it is for me to buy from North America.
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since starting my first build this year, what really gets my goat is people buying up decent bikes, just to part out and sell on at profit, when they have no interest in actually using any of the parts in their own builds, therefore putting stuff out of financial reach for those that are trying to build something. it's ended up tainting my build experience. and people who hoard stuff too. anyway, mini rant over. unfortunately I probably won't do another one.
Hoard stuff! Lol. I have a loft and workshop full of gems.

Nothing worse than starting a build and realising you need something that you sold 6 months ago.

Best never to part with anything 😉
Having considered the collective wisdom of the group, I've realised that to gain the bits at the price i can afford there are 2 options

1. Buy old bits and clean them up.....well i already do that..

2. It may be possible by spending many hours hunched over ebay/ friendface/ grinder- tree whatever......

However No2, i feel, is a serious waste of time, with very hit / miss benefits. "Screen time" as i believe its called is not something i get anything out of (this is probably the only exception) and as such the idea of spending hours trawling for parts and miss spoolings to save £10 on a component is just not an option for me.

So, Im going to ask my old boss if i can go back to work 1 day a week! 8 hours work to get 10 times the financial advantage i would get from 8 hours of trawling! Plus i get my workshop privileges back without feeling like I'm sponging ( not that they dont get their moneys worth every time i pop in!). Anyway I digress.

Back to my original question at the top^. Is it putting me off? Well yes, in a way, even if its not putting me off, its making me think twice about taking on projects or the direction i take. This limitation is quite depressing....don't get me wrong, im not after top end stuff, i just want to stay where i am and am comfortably happy.

I think the argument made by some that essentially you just have to "suck it up" is a little harsh (whilst true), especially on those with lower /less disposable / fixed incomes. Whilst that is in fact "life", when it effects a genuinely enjoyable, longterm outlet or hobby, its a bit of a blow. Sometimes we forget the advantages of group membership and how much that contact can mean to some.

All I ask is next time you shove an item up for sale on the forum, just ask yourself " how much does this really owe me", be nice, make somebody's day and bask in the good karma.
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